General Maintenance Division includes the Streets, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Maintenance, Fleet Maintenance, and Refuse/Recycling. This Division provides services such as snow removal, leaf and brush collection, storm and sanitary sewer maintenance to name a few.

The General Maintenance Division located at 538 Hillcreek Drive provides many services to Oberlin residents and city departments including:

  • Street Maintenance – services include snow and ice removal, street and curb repairs, pavement marking/painting, and traffic sign maintenance for more than 58 miles of streets.
  • Sanitary and Storm Sewer Maintenance – services include maintenance, repair and construction of several miles of storm and sanitary sewers.
  • Fleet Maintenance – maintenance and repair to most of the City equipment and vehicles.
  • Refuse/Recycling – responsible for residential, commercial, and institutional refuse and recycling collection services within the City.