
Billing Schedule

  • Beginning of the Month: Utility bills are available to view online, or mailed out via USPS.
  • 20th of the Month: Bill is due.
  • 1 day after due date: One-time (10%) late fee is applied.
  • 7-10 days after due date: A 14-day delinquent notice is mailed, which states the delinquent balance and instructions on what you can do if you are unable to pay within the next 14 days; i.e. call the Utility Office to make payment arrangements at 775-7214 or contact an Agency for assistance.
  • Beginning of the following Month: New bill is available online, or mailed out via USPS which indicates the past due balance, if any, along with the current charges which are due on the 20th of the month.
  • 7 days after delinquent notice: A last notice tag is placed on the property for the amount that was due on the 20th of the prior month. This is 7 days before shut off.
  • 7 days after last notice tag: The utility is shut-off.
  • The City wants to help all customers avoid utilities disconnection – please contact us at 775-7214 as soon as you know you will be unable to pay your bill or contact one of the several local Agencies for assistance.
  • Want to see your bill before it comes in the mail? Register your utility account at cityofoberlin.smartpayworks.com.  You will be able to view your bill, but still receive it in the mail, or opt into email billing.

Utilities – Billing:
(440) 775-7211

Utilities – Past Due:
(440) 775-7214

Income Tax /Acct. Payable:
(440) 775-7212

Finance – Other:
(440) 775-7213

(440) 776-2090

Have a question? Email us info@cityofoberlin.com

Marin Fowler
Finance Director

Heather Clawson
Finance Assistant

Kathy Balawender
Finance Assistant

Cindy Simons
Finance Assistant