


UTILITIES: Duplicate utility bills are sent to landlords automatically unless the Utility Office is notified otherwise. Below is a form (also mailed annually) which may be used to notify our office that you do NOT wish to receive the duplicate bills. As a reminder, the following are sections from Chapter 909.02 of the City of Oberlin code specific to utilities:

c. All charges for water usage, as provided in Chapter 911, all sewer charges, as provided in Chapter 915, all electric charges, as provided in Chapter 913, and all charges for sanitation services, are assessed against the property to which the service is rendered and are a lien against said property, collectible the same as other liens and taxes, in accordance with subsection (b). Transfer of ownership of property connected to the public water system and sanitary sewer system, shall not relieve the property owner of responsibility for charges assessed against the property.

d. Any City utility account established and maintained in the name of the tenant, lessee or other persons or party for services provided to the premises shall not relieve the property or the owner of the property for liability for such charges.


INCOME TAX: Effective January 1, 2016, new City income tax reporting for landlords is required as per the City of Oberlin income tax code Section 184.23 Rental and Leased Property:

(A) All property owners of real property located in Oberlin, who rent or otherwise lease residential, agricultural, commercial or industrial premises, or any part thereof, during any calendar year or part thereof, commencing with the effective date of this section, shall file with the Tax Administrator on or before the end of each of the months of January 31 and July 31 following the end of each semi-annual calendar period, a written report disclosing the name, address and also telephone number, if available, of each tenant known to be occupying or having occupied, during each semi-annual calendar period, said premises. The first reporting date shall be July 31, 2016.

NOTE: LANDLORD LIST – click here to be filed with Regional Income Tax Agency semi-annually.


Utilities – Billing:
(440) 775-7211

Utilities – Past Due:
(440) 775-7214

Income Tax /Acct. Payable:
(440) 775-7212</>

Finance – Other:
(440) 775-7213

(440) 776-2090

Have a question? Email us info@cityofoberlin.com

Marin Fowler
Finance Director

Heather Clawson
Finance Assistant

Kathy Balawender
Finance Assistant

Cindy Simons
Finance Assistant