Recycling Subscription Pledge Help reach our Zero Waste goal. Pledge to Recycle Right!I/We commit to recycle:* aluminum & metal cans plastic bottles & jugs labeled #1 & #2 mixed paper corrugated cardboard CART STATUS:* YES - I NEED A RECYCLE CART NO - I HAVE A CART (ENTER SERIAL NUMBER BELOW) My Cart Serial Number (to avoid delivery of another cart)3676* I pledge to recycle daily * I/we pledge to follow the City’s recycling program guidelines to do our part to make recycling efficient, economical and environmentally sustainable. * I/we will first consider these options –Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle -before throwing items in the trash. * I/We understand our recycling carts will be serviced on a bi-weekly basisName* First Last House Number*Apartment/UnitDirectionStreet*Phone*Email* PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Get to know Oberlin’s recycling program Email: or call Lori – 440-935-0096