Congratulations to the Youth Climate Action Fund Awardees!

OUR Family
Project: Youth Environmental Learning Program
Developing an environmental learning center as part of a community garden. A space for families and children to explore the impacts of climate change on local ecosystems and learning how to adapt outdoor spaces.

City Fresh
Project: Sustainable Agriculture Learning Garden
The learning garden will be a centerpiece of the farm facility and will offer a focused area to demonstrate sustainable agriculture concepts for school trips, college classes and community volunteer events.

Common Ground
Project: Vermilion River Erosion Mitigation
Youth volunteers will work to shore up the embankment of the river for the trails that run through the youth camp. This will enable more youth to continue to learn about the natural world they live in through camp experiences and how the changing climate is impacting their physical world directly.

Common Ground
Project: Healing Garden Renewal for Horticultural Education
Youth campers will help develop this native garden which will help teach campers about native plants and native landscaping as well as indigenous pollinators. Campers will learn the medicinal properties of local plants and the balance necessary for a healthy ecosystem.

MAD Factory
Project: Mad Factory Goes Green
The project will both bring about awareness of waste issues created at a community theater and ways to mitigate the amount being created. Additionally the group will work with the youth theater participants to perform plays that education other youth about climate change in their communities.
Joining Forces
Project: Climbing Above the Clouds
Climbing Above the Clouds is a group that works with youth in trauma. Climate change is exacerbating the trauma they experience. The group will purchase youth appropriate books and peers will support peers in reading and discussing books related to trauma and the changing climate.

Oberlin Community Services
Project: Farm to Fork Youth Education Program
Youth will redesign an exisiting playground space into an environmental outdoor classroom with pollinator/climate imact art, and large group art easels to be used with a city pollinator meadow. This will be completed in an impoverished community in downtown Lorain.

ACES Lorain County
Project: Youth Pollinating Communities to increase Climate Resilience
Youth will redesign an existing playground space into an environmental outdoor classroom with pollinator/climate impact art, and large group art easels to be used with a city pollinator meadow. This will be completed in an impoverished community in downtown Lorain.