
The Lorain County General Health District is responsible for preventing disease and promoting health in the following communities: Amherst City, Amherst Township, Avon City, Brighton Township, Brownhelm Township, Camden Township, Carlisle Township, Columbia Township, Eaton Township, Elyria Township, Grafton Township, Grafton Village, Henrietta Township, Huntington Township, Kipton Village, LaGrange Township, LaGrange Village, New Russia Township, North Ridgeville City, Oberlin City, Penfield Township, Pittsfield Township, Rochester Township, Rochester Village, Sheffield Lake City, Sheffield Township, Sheffield Village, South Amherst Village, Wellington Township, and Wellington Village. For more information concerning the duties of the Lorain County General Health District Board please view the official charge here.

LCGHD’s Mission Statement:

To serve and support a healthy community.

LCGHD’s Vision:

Improving today for a healthier tomorrow.

Meeting Times

The board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. Meetings are held at the Health District Office located at 9880 S. Murray Ridge Road, Elyria, Ohio 44035.

Contact Us

For more information please contact the Director of Administrative Services,  Deborah Chavez at 440-322-6367 or 440-244-2209. For those interested in serving as the board representative for the City of Oberlin contact Belinda Anderson, Oberlin Clerk of Council by phone at 440-775-7203 or via email banderson@cityofoberlin.com.


Name Term
Tyrone Wicks 01/01/2024 - 03/31/2029

Important Documents

Minutes & Agendas

Annual Reports 

LCH – Strategic Plan

Ohio Sunshine Laws



Questions related to the application process for City board and commission appointments should be directed to the Oberlin Clerk of Council’s Office