The City of Oberlin has contracted with Cleveland State University to develop a comprehensive community housing market study and needs analysis for the Oberlin community. The results from the study will assist decision makers, stakeholders and community members by providing data that can guide public policy decisions in the area of housing and identify proposed action items that can be implemented to promote the appropriate blend of housing opportunities throughout the City. The study should provide a measured assessment of housing supply, present and future, unmet housing demand across various demographic categories and provide a comprehensive understanding of short-to-mid-term housing supply and demand. The report is intended to provide community-specific housing priorities.
The housing market study process began in May 2016 and is expected to be completed by December of 2016. Information from Study Steering Committee Meetings and housing data gathered by Cleveland State can be accessed below:
Steering Committee Meeting #1 – May 19th, 2016: Meeting Notes – Oberlin Meeting Notes SC 1
Steering Committee Meeting #2 – August 4th, 2016: Powerpoint Presentation on Housing Data by CSU – Oberlin SC 2 8-4-16 Powerpoint Presentation
Community Open House – September 15th, 2016: Notes by CSU – oberlin-open-house-notes-9-15-16-final
Community Open House Board Photographs & Scans – COMING SOON
Steering Committee Meeting #3 – October 13th, 2016: Powerpoint Presentation on Housing Market Data by CSU – oberlin-sc-3-revised-10-25-16
Steering Committee Meeting #3 – October 13th, 2016: Meeting Notes – oberlin-meeting-notes-sc-3
Steering Committee Meeting #4 – December 1st, 2016: Powerpoint Presentation on Study Results by CSU – oberlin-sc-4-revised-12-6-16
Draft of Housing Market Study Text Sent to Steering Committee Members for Review and Comment – December 12, 2016: oberlin-final-report-draft-12-12-16-formatte
Final Draft of Housing Market Study (Study Text and Appendices) Presented to City Council – February 6th, 2017:
oberlin final report draft 1-31-17
Oberlin Final Report APPENDICES 1-31-17
Oberlin Housing – Oversized Appendices
Presentation on Study Results and Recommendations Given by Cleveland State University to City Council on February 6th, 2017: Oberlin City Council 2-6-17
Final Versions of Housing Study Report and Appendices, February 24, 2017:
Oberlin Final Report APPENDICES 2-24-17
Oberlin Housing – Oversized Appendices