Oberlin Baseball Softball Federation, Inc. (OBSF)

The City of Oberlin does not sponsor a baseball/softball program. The Oberlin Baseball Softball Federation is a community based volunteer program that provides very thorough youth program for those interested in Baseball/Softball. Oberlin Baseball Softball Federation has been in existence for 25 plus years.

OBSF is dedicate to the youth in the Oberlin community and providing a competitive athletic program to teach youth good sportsmen-ship, team work and the game of baseball/softball. The Federation services children ages 5 – 18 years old. For more information contact Oberlin Baseball Softball Federation

For Oberlin Baseball, contact Jodi Cool at 440-864-1817 or email oberlinbaseballsoftball@gmail.com

For Oberlin Softball, contact Anthony Gallam at 440-452-5011 or email oberlinbaseballsoftball@gmail.com


For Registration you will need:

Copy of Birth Certificate Required

Picture of child