R12-01To adopt the Solid Waste Management Plan Update for the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District and Declaring an Emergency02/21/2012
R12-02Approving the Renewal Application of Karen M. Fridenstine and Kristin H. McDonough, Trustees, for Placement of Certain Land Located within the City of Oberlin in an Agricultural District Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 929.02 and Declaring an Emergency02/21/2012
R12-03Approving the Renewal Application of Anthony R. Ignagni and Peggi M. Ignagni for Placement of Certain Land Located within the City of Oberlin in an Agricultural District Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 929.02 and Declaring an Emergency02/21/2012
R12-04Approving the Application of Burrer Farms for Placement of Certain Land Located Within the City of Oberlin in an Agricultural District Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 929.02 and Declaring an Emergency02/21/2012
R12-05Resolution of the City of Oberlin to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson in Support of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Pollution Under the Clean Air Act and Declaring an Emergency02/21/2012
R12-06Recommending an Amendment to the United States Constitution Abolishing the Rights of Corporations to be protected as Persons under the United States Constitution and Declaring an Emergency02/21/2012
R12-07Appointing Clerk of Council Belinda Anderson as the Designee of the Members of Council for the Purposes of the Public Records Law and Declaring an Emergency03/19/2012
R12-08Supporting the Creation of a Lorain County Land Reutilization Corporation for the County Treasurer’s Office in Accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 5722.02 and Declaring an Emergency04/16/2012
R12-09Requesting that Governor John R. Kasich and the Ohio State Legislature Move Swiftly to Place a Moratorium on Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing and Brine Injection Wells in the State of Ohio Until Further Study and Risk Assessment is Completed, and Declaring an Emergency06/04/2012
R12-10Supporting the City of Oberlin’s Application for a Local Government Innovation Fund Grant for a Fleet Analysis Program in Conjunction With Other Local Partners and Authorizing the City Manager to File an Application Therefore, and Declaring an Emergency08/20/2012
R12-11Authorizing the City Manager to File a Community Recycling Grant Application and Enter into an Agreement with the Lorain County Board of Commissioners through the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District Pursuant to the Lorain County Solid Waste Management Plan and Declaring an Emergency09/04/2012
R12-12Supporting the City of Oberlin Becoming a Collaborative Partner with the Lead Applicant’s (Lorain County Storm Water District) Application for a Local Government Innovation Fund Grant for Developing a Storm Water Utility Fee and Business Plan for the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency09/04/2012
R12-13Accepting the Amount and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor01/07/2013
R12-14A Resolution Requesting that Governor John R, Kasich and the Ohio State Legislature Move Swiftly to Repeal All State Laws Which Preempts Local Control Over Oil and Natural Gas Extraction, and Begin an Open, Transparent Process of Discussion with the Citizens of Ohio Relative to the Potential Risks and Dangers Posed by Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing and Brine Injection Wells in the State of Ohio and Declaring an Emergency01/07/2013