24-01 | An Ordinance Adopting a New Comprehensive Plan for the City of Oberlin | 03/21/2024 |
24-02 | An Ordinance Establishing the City of Oberlin Social Equity Plan Steering Committee, Appointing the Steering Committee's Members and Authorizing the Committee's Rules of Procedure as an Emergency Measure | 1/16/2024 |
24-03 | An Ordinance to Authorize and Direct the City Manager to Execute a Schedule with American Municipal Power Inc. for Participation in the Community Energy Savings Smart Thermostat Program as an Emergence Measure | 02/05/2024 |
24-04 | An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 07-39 AC CMS Establishing Guidelines for the Expenditure of Funds from the Sustainable Reserve Program to Clarify that Requests for Funding by the OMLPS Director that have been Included in a Budget Approved by the City Council will not Require Further Council Approval Unless Otherwise Required by Law as an Emergency Measure | 02/05/2024 |
24-05 | An Ordinance Accepting the Renewal Proposal of the Public Entities Pool of Ohio Through USI Insurance Services LLC., for Various Liability and Excess Liability Insurance Coverage and Property and Equipment Breakdown Coverage for the City of Oberlin as an Emergency Measure | 02/05/2024 |
24-06 | An Ordinance Amending the City of Oberlin Zoning Map for Land Owned by First Church in Oberlin, UCC Located at 106 North Main Street from the “R-2”/Two-Family Dwelling District to the “I”/Institutional District | 04/03/2024 |
24-07 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Engineering Services Contract with American Structurepotint, Inc. of Cleveland, Ohio, to Provide for Additional Professional Engineering Services for the Replacement of the East Vine Street Bridge in the City of Oberlin as an Emergency Measure | 02/20/2024 |
24-08 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a LPA Federal Local Let Project Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the Replacement of the Existing East Vine Street Bridge over Plum Creek in the City of Oberlin, Ohio, ODOT PID 119360 as an Emergency Measure | 02/20/2024 |
24-09 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a LPA Federal Local Let Project Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the Replacement of the Existing South Pleasant Street Bridge over Plum Creek in the City of Oberlin, Ohio, ODOT PID 115995 as an Emergency Measure | 02/20/2024 |
24-10 | An Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Authorize Fulfillment of Task Orders Under the Master Agreement with Environmental Design Group, LLC of Akron, Ohio for Professional Planning and Economic Development Services Related to the U.S. 20 Industrial Park Site in An Aggregate Amount Not to Exceed $138,243 as an Emergency Measure | 03/18/2024 |
24-11 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 23-82 AC CMS, the 2024 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds as an Emergency Measure | 03/18/2024 |
24-12 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into an Agreement with Slidr, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, to Provide for Transit-Related Services to go into Immediate Effect | 04/01/2024 |
24-13 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 22-71 AC CMS to Enlarge the Area of the Community Garden at Legion Field Park to be Managed by OUR F.A.M.I.L.Y. Inc | 04/15/2024 |
24-14 | An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 24-02 AC CMS to Provide for the Appointment of the Chair of the Human Relations Commission as an Ex-Officio Member of the City of Oberlin Social Equity Steering Committee to go into Immediate Effect | 04/01/2024 |
24-15 | An Ordinance Establishing a Fee Schedule for the Use of the Oberlin Underground Railroad Center to go into Immediate Effect | 05/06/2024 |
24-16 | An Ordinance Establishing the City of Oberlin’s Climate Action Plan Update 2024 Steering Committee, Appointing the Steering Committee’s Members and Authorizing the Committee’s Rules of Procedure to go Into Immediate Effect | 04/15/2024 |
24-17 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Asplundh Tree Expert LLC of Massillon, Ohio, for Line Clearance / Tree Trimming for the City of Oberlin, Ohio to go into Immediate Effect | 04/15/2024 |
24-18 | An Ordinance to Authorize and Direct the City Manager to Execute a Participating Member Schedule with American Municipal Power, Inc. (“AMP”) to Enroll in the AMP-CPower Demand Response Program to go into Immediate Effect | 04/15/2024 |
24-19 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Williams Brothers Builders, Inc. of Elyria, Ohio, for the Storage Building Rehabilitation to go into Immediate Effect | 04/15/2024 |
24-20 | An Ordinance to Authorize the City Manager to Enter into an Enterprise Zone Agreement for Real Property Tax Abatement with Ascension Biomedical, LLC and Blaze, LLC and To Go Into Immediate Effect | 05/06/2024 |
24-21 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Valley Ford Truck, Inc. of Cleveland, Ohio, through Sourcewell Contract 060920-CRN for the Purchase of a 2025 Battle Motors LET2-46 Chassis Equipped with a Leach 2R-III 25 Cubic Yard Rear Load Packer Body for the City of Oberlin Public Works Department To Go Into Immediate Effect | 05/06/2024 |
24-22 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Annual Winter Road Salt Contract to Go Into Immediate Effect | 05/06/2024 |
24-23 | An Ordinance Replacing Chapter 1191 – Flood Damage Prevention of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin, Ohio with New Chapter 1191 – Flood Damage Reduction to Go Into Immediate Effect | 07/03/2024 |
24-24 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 155 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin, Ohio to Revise the Duties and Responsibilities of the Open Space and Visual Environment Commission | 06/05/2024 |
24-25 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into a Master Service and other Agreements with Utility Service Company, Inc. of Perry, Georgia for a Multi-year Asset Management Professional Service Contract for the City of Oberlin Water Storage Tanks to Go Into Immediate Effect | 05/06/2024 |
24-26 | An Ordinance to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Shore North, LLC, for the Installation of a Clock Replica in the Public Right of Way | 06/05/2024 |
24-27 | An Ordinance Appointing Jon D. Clark as the Interim City Manager of the City of Oberlin, Ohio, to Go into Immediate Effect | 05/09/2024 |
24-28 | An Ordinance Appointing Belinda B. Anderson as the Treasurer of the City of Oberlin, Ohio, to Go into Immediate Effect | 05/09/2024 |
24-29 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Master and Other Agreements with Quality Control Inspection, Inc. of Garfield Heights, Ohio for Professional Construction Inspection Services for Capital Construction Projects in the City of Oberlin, Ohio to Go into Immediate Effect | 05/20/2024 |
24-30 | An Ordinance Adopting a Tax Budget for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2025, to Go into Immediate Effect | 05/20/2024 |
24-31 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 24-27 AC CMS to Provide for the Compensation of the Interim City Manager of the City of Oberlin, Ohio to Go into Immediate Effect | 05/20/2024 |
24-32 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with the Lorain County Board of Commissioners to Provide for Transit-Related Services to Go into Immediate Effect | 06/03/2024 |
24-33 | An Ordinance Amending Section 1101.01, 1121.01, 1141.01, 1151.01, 1195.01, and 1197.01 and Adopting New Titles Seventeen and Nineteen of Part Eleven and Amending Section 1501.01(C) of Part Fifteen of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin to Adopt the Most Recent Versions of State Building Codes and to Go into Immediate Effect | 06/03/2024 |
24-34 | An Ordinance Amending the City of Oberlin Position Classification Plan Relating to the Fire Department to Go into Immediate Effect | 06/03/2024 |
24-35 | An Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement for an Extension of a Lease of Property to Bio Energy (Ohio II), LLC, for Use as a Staging Area for the Construction of a Sound Barrier Wall at 520 Hill Creek Drive to Go into Immediate Effect | 06/03/2024 |
24-36 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 351.17 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin Relating to Parking Regulations in the Central Business District | 07/31/2024 |
24-37 | An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 305 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin Regulating the Parking of Motor Vehicles in Residential Districts | 07/31/2024 |
24-38 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Increase in Compensation for the City Law Director, and Amending Ordinance No. 13-13 AC CMS, as Amended, Appointing the Law Director, for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, to Go into Immediate Effect | 06/03/2024 |
24-39 | An Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Enter into a Professional Services Agreement with ZoneCo, LLC of Cincinnati, Ohio for Professional Consulting Services for the Preparation of a New Zoning Code for the City of Oberlin to go into Immediate Effect | 07/01/2024 |
24-40 | An Ordinance Amending the City of Oberlin Zoning Map to “R-1”/ Single-Family Dwelling District for Lorain County Permanent Parcel Nos. 0900096103023 and 0900096103024 on Smith Street Zoned “C-1”/ Central Business District | 07/17/2024 |
24-41 | An Ordinance Accepting the Annexation of Approximately 28.8636 Acres of Real Estate from Pittsfield Township to the City of Oberlin | 07/17/2024 |
24-42 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Law Director to Institute Proceedings for the Annexation of 141.84 Acres, More or Less, of Certain Real Property Located in Pittsfield Township to Go into Immediate Effect | 06/17/2024 |
24-43 | An Ordinance to Enact New Section 351.15 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin, to Amend Section 351.99 and to Repeal Section 351.19 | Failed |
24-44 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 23-82 AC CMS, the 2024 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds to go into Immediate Effect | 07/01/2024 |
24-45 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter into a Contract with PMG Consulting, Inc. of Delaware, Ohio, for Professional Engineering Services for the Preparation of a General Plan of Improvements for the City of Oberlin Water Treatment Plant to go into Immediate Effect | 07/01/2024 |
24-46 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Mc.B Paving, LLC of Ashland, Ohio for the North Park Street Reconstruction and Intersection Improvements Project to go into Immediate Effect | 07/01/2024 |
24-47 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Crossroads Asphalt Recycling, Inc. of Columbia Station, Ohio for the North Park Street Shared Use Path Project to go into Immediate Effect | 07/01/2024 |
24-48 | An Ordinance Dedicating 0.028 Acres of Permanent Parcel Number 09-00-086-103-002 on the South Side of East Vine Street as a Permanent Public Right-of-Way to go into Immediate Effect | 07/01/2024 |
24-49 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ohio Patrolmen’s Association to Establish Incentive Benefits for Lateral Hires Within the Oberlin Police Department to go into Immediate Effect | 07/01/2024 |
24-50 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Submit the Necessary Claims and to Participate in the 3M and Dupont Entities Public Water Provider Settlement Agreements to go into Immediate Effect | 07/11/2024 |
24-51 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Increase in Compensation for the Clerk of Council and Amending Ordinance 07-51 AC CMS, as Amended, Appointing the City Clerk, Clerk of Oberlin City Council to go into Immediate Effect | Repealed |
24-52 | An Ordinance Amending Part One, Title Five, Chapter 149 of the Oberlin Codified Ordinances to Revise the Duties and Responsibilities of the Human Relations Commission | 11/20/2024 |
24-53 | An Ordinance to Ratify an Agreement with K and S Investments, Inc., and to Accept a Permanent, Non-Exclusive Easement for Access to and from the Oberlin Underground Railroad Center to go into Immediate Effect | 09/03/2024 |
24-54 | An Ordinance Appointing Beth A. Krosse as the Finance Director for the City of Oberlin, Ohio to go into Immediate Effect | 08/19/2024 |
24-55 | An Ordinance Approving Amendments to a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (OPBA) for Oberlin Police Department Full-Time Dispatchers as an Emergency Measure | 09/03/2024 |
24-56 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to submit an Application to the District 9 Public Works Integrating Committee for Ohio Public Works Commission Funding for the Park and East Vine Streets Resurfacing Project to go into Immediate Effect | 09/03/2024 |
24-57 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance no. 24-31 AC CMS to Provide for the Compensation of the Interim City Manager of the City of Oberlin, Ohio to go into Immediate Effect | 09/16/2024 |
24-58 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 24-54 AC CMS Appointing Beth A. Krosse as the Finance Director for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, to go Into Immediate Effect | 09/16/2024 |
24-59 | An Ordinance to Provide for the Compensation of the Clerk of Council, to Amend Ordinance No. 07-51 AC CMS, As Amended and to Repeal Ordinance No. 24-51 AC CMS to go into Immediate Effect | 09/16/2024 |
24-60 | An Ordinance Amending the City of Oberlin Zoning Map to "I"/Institutional District for Lorain County Permanent Parcel No. 0900095105004 (240 South Main Street) and Parcel No. 0900095105003 (285 South Professor Street) Zone "R-1"/Single-Family Dwelling District | 11/20/2024 |
24-61 | An Ordinance Approving Rules of Procedure for the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee to go into Immediate Effect | 10/07/2024 |
24-62 | An Ordinance Authorizing The City Law Director to Institute Proceedings for the Annexation of 39.220 Acres, More or Less, of Real Property Owned by the City of Oberlin Located in Pittsfield Township to go into Immediate Effect | 11/20/2024 |
24-63 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 23-82 AC CMS, The 2024 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds to go into Immediate Effect | 11/20/2024 |
24-64 | An Ordinance Adopting Rates, Terms, and Conditions for Electric Service Provided by the City of Oberlin, Ohio to go into Immediate Effect | 11/04/2024 |
24-65 | An Ordinance to Approve and Adopt the Current Replacement Pages to the Codified Ordinances to go into Immediate Effect | 11/04/2024 |
24-66 | An Ordinance Approving A Revised Job Description for the Position of City Manager to go into Immediate Effect | 11/18/2024 |
24-67 | An Ordinance Stating the Services That the City of Oberlin Will Provide Upon the Annexation of 2.2561 Acres More or Less Located in New Russia Township Upon the Petition of Kendal at Oberlin as Required Under Section 709.03(D) of the Ohio Revised Code to go Into Immediate Effect | 11/18/2024 |
24-68 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with 95 South Main Street, LLC for the Purchase of 0.064 Acres of Land Located on the North Side of East Vine Street to Go into Immediate Effect | 11/18/2024 |
24-69 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Transfer of 0.045 Acres of Land Not Needed for Any Current Municipal Purposes to Go into Immediate Effect | 11/18/2024 |
24-70 | An Ordinance Determining that a Real and Present Emergency Exists in the Oberlin Public Works Department and Authorizing the Purchase of a 2025 Ford F550 4x4 Chassis Equipped with the Stellar Shuttle 84-10 Flex Hooklift System from Montrose Ford of Akron, Ohio for the City of Oberlin Public Works Department to go Into Immediate Effect | 11/18/2024 |
24-71 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of the January to December 2025 Fixed Volume Energy Supply Schedule with American Municipal Power, Inc.("AMP") to go Into Immediate Effect | 11/18/2024 |
24-72 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter into an Amendment to an Agreement Between the City of Oberlin and Providing Oberlin With Efficiency Responsibly and Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds from the Sustainable Reserve Fund to go into Immediate Effect | 11/18/2024 |
24-73 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with Odevco Limited Liability Company, an Ohio Limited Liability Company, for the Purchase of 0.074 Acres of Land Located on the South Side of East Vine Street to go into Immediate Effect | 11/18/2024 |
24-74 | An Ordinance to Appropriate Monies for Municipal Purposes for the Fiscal Year 2025 to Go into Immediate Effect | 12/02/2024 |
24-75 | An Ordinance Enacting New Section 305.05 of the Oberlin Codified Ordinances Authorizing the Designation of Temporary No Parking Tow Away Zones to Go into Immediate Effect | 12/02/2024 |
24-76 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Expenditure of Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to Provide Financial Assistance to the Oberlin Underground Railroad Society to Go Into Immediate Effect | 12/16/2024 |
24-77 | Ordinance No. 24-77 AC CMS: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 23-82 AC CMS, the 2024 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds to Go Into Immediate Effect | 12/16/2024 |
24-78 | Ordinance No. 24-78 AC CMS: An Ordinance Appointing Marin Fowler as Interim Finance Director for the City of Oberlin to Go Into Immediate Effect | 12/16/2024 |