13-01 | An Ordinance Approving an Agreement with the Ohio Development Services Agency Relating to Administration of the City of Oberlin’s Housing Revolving Loan Fund Program and Declaring an Emergency | 01/07/2013 |
13-02 | An Ordinance Accepting the Renewal Proposal of the Public Entities Pool of Ohio Through Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, INC., For Various Liability and Excess Liability Insurance Coverage and Property And Boiler & Machinery Coverage For the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 01/22/2013 |
13-03 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 111.04 (a) and (b) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin Relative to the Salary of the President and Members of Oberlin City Council and Declaring an Emergency | 01/22/2013 |
13-04 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City of Oberlin to Cooperate with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the Resurfacing of State Route 58 and State Route 511 in the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 02/19/2013 |
13-05 | An Ordinance Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA) for Oberlin Police Department Sergeants and Declaring an Emergency | 02/19/2013 |
13-06 | An Ordinance Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA) for Oberlin Police Department Patrol Officers and Declaring an Emergency | 02/19/2013 |
13-07 | An Ordinance to Approve and Adopt the Current Replacement Pages to the Codified Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency | 02/19/2013 |
13-08 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Eco Tree Services, LLC., of Amherst, Ohio, for Forestry Services for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 03/04/2013 |
13-09 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into a Contract with Utility Truck Equipment Company of Circleville, Ohio, Through the State Office of Procurement Services for the Purchase of a 37’ Aerial Lift Truck for Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System | 03/04/2013 |
13-10 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Eclipse Company, LLC., of Warrensville Heights, Ohio, for the South Professor Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 03/04/2013 |
13-11 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Quality Control Inspections, INC. (QCI) of Bedford, Ohio, to Provide for Additional Professional Construction Inspection Services for the South Professor Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project Phase II in the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 03/04/2013 |
13-12 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for Community Housing Improvement Program Funds to the State of Ohio Development Services Agency, and to Accept Grant Funds Under that Program and Declaring an Emergency | 03/18/2013 |
13-13 | An Ordinance Appointing Jon D. Clark to the position of Law Director of the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 03/18/2013 |
13-14 | An Ordinance Creating the Temporary Position of Assistant Law Director of the City of Oberlin, Ohio, Establishing the Duties Applicable Thereto, and Appointing Eric R. Severs to the Position and Declaring an Emergency | 03/18/2013 |
13-15 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 129.04 and 129.05 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin Which Provide for the Collection of Delinquent Municipal Income Taxes and Additional Compensation of the Law Director and Penalties and Declaring an Emergency | 03/18/2013 |
13-16 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 12-79 AC CMS, the 2013 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 03/18/2013 |
13-17 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 13-09 AC CMS Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Utility Truck Equipment Company of Circleville, Ohio, Through the State Office of Procurement Services for the Purchase of a 37’ Aerial Lift Truck for Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System and Declaring an Emergency | 03/18/2013 |
13-18 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Mr. Excavator, Inc. of Kirtland, Ohio, for the Main Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 03/18/2013 |
13-19 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for and Accept Community Development Block Grant Formula Allocation Program Funding from the Lorain County Board of Commissioners for the Purpose of Constructing Sidewalk and Accessibility Improvements in Census Tract Block Group 601-3 in the City of Oberlin, and Declaring an Emergency | 04/01/2013 |
13-20 | An Ordinance Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA) for Oberlin Police Department Part-Time Dispatchers and Declaring an Emergency | 04/01/2013 |
13-21 | An Ordinance Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and Declaring an Emergency | 04/01/2013 |
13-22 | An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the City of Oberlin Employee Policy Manual Related to Personal Leave and Declaring an Emergency | 04/15/2013 |
13-23 | An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the City of Oberlin Employee Policy Manual Related to Personal Leave and Declaring an Emergency | 04/15/2013 |
13-24 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Quality Control Inspection, Inc. (QCI) of Bedford, Ohio, to Provide for Additional Professional Construction Inspection Services for the Main Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project in the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 04/01/2013 |
13-25 | An Ordinance Authorizing Additional Compensation for the Clerk of Council for Special Projects and Declaring an Emergency | 04/01/2013 |
13-26 | An Ordinance Approving a Participation Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Ohio Department of Transportation for the Purchase of Sodium Chloride (Rock Salt) and Declaring an Emergency | 04/15/2013 |
13-27 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 925 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin, Ohio Pertaining to Garbage and Rubbish Collection and the Administration of Fees for Collection and Delivery of Organic Material | 05/06/2013 |
13-28 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Design-Build Solutions, Inc. of Cleveland, Ohio Through the State Office of Procurement Services for a Roof Replacement Project for Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System and Declaring an Emergency | 05/06/2013 |
13-29 | An Ordinance Approving an Agreement with Zion Community Development Corporation to Manage a Community Garden at Legion Field Park and Declaring an Emergency | 04/15/2013 |
13-30 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement for Fire/Arson Investigation Mutual Aid Assistance in Lorain County and Declaring an Emergency | 05/20/2013 |
13-31 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 507 AC CMS, as Amended, to Provide for the Continuation of a One-Fifth of One Percent (1/5%) Levy on Income for a Period of Five (5) Years, for the Purpose of Providing Funds for Operating and Capital Improvement Expenses for the City of Oberlin, Providing for an Effective Date Thereof, and Providing that this Ordinance Shall be Effective Only if Approved by the Electors and Declaring an Emergency | 05/06/2013 |
13-32 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Poggemeyer Design Group, Inc. of Bowling Green, Ohio for Professional Engineering Design Services for Tertiary Filter Replacement at the City of Oberlin Water Environment Protection Facility and Declaring an Emergency | 05/20/2013 |
13-33 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Precision Paving Inc., of Milan, Ohio, for the South Park Street and Lincoln Street Resurfacing Project and Declaring an Emergency | 05/20/2013 |
13-34 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Quality Control Inspection, Inc. (QCI) of Bedford, Ohio, to Provide for Additional Professional Construction Inspection Services for the South Park Street and Lincoln Street Resurfacing Project in the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 05/20/2013 |
13-35 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into an Agreement with J.F. Lencewicz and Associates to Provide Labor Relations Consulting Services and Declaring an Emergency | 06/03/2013 |
13-36 | An Ordinance Adopting a Tax Budget for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2014, and Declaring an Emergency | 06/03/2013 |
13-37 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 12-79 AC CMS, the 2013 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 06/03/2013 |
13-38 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Erie Blacktop Inc., of Sandusky, Ohio, for the South Professor Street Pavement Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 07/01/2013 |
13-39 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into an Agreement with the Clean Energy Coalition to Provide Fleet Management and Alternative Fuel Consulting Services in Accordance with the Local Government Innovation Fund Grant Award and Declaring an Emergency | 07/01/2013 |
13-40 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 97-28 AC CMS As Amended Which Established Fees and Charges for Various Services, Permits and Licenses of the City of Oberlin, Ohio to Correct the Fee for Fingerprint Cards for the Oberlin Police Department and Declaring an Emergency | 07/01/2013 |
13-41 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 12-79 AC CMS, the 2013 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 07/01/2013 |
13-42 | An Ordinance Directing the City of Oberlin Finance Director to Certify to the Lorain County Board of Elections, for Submission to the Electorate, an Initiative Ordinance Establishing a Community Bill of Rights and Declaring an Emergency | 08/05/2013 |
13-43 | An Ordinance Amending Section 331.12 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin, Ohio, Pertaining to “U” Turns Restricted to Prohibit the Crossing of the Oncoming Lane of Travel for the Purpose of Parking in a Diagonal Parking Space | 09/18/2013 |
13-44 | An Ordinance Amending Section 927.07 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin to Eliminate the Blanket Prohibition of the Possession of Firearms in Municipal Parks | 10/16/2013 |
13-45 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Premier Concrete and Excavating, LLC of Milan, Ohio, for the West College Street Sidewalk Installation Project and Declaring an Emergency | 08/19/2013 |
13-46 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 13-24 AC CMS to Authorize an Increase in the Contract Amount with Quality Control Inspection, Inc. (QCI) of Bedford, Ohio, to Provide for Additional Professional Construction Inspection Services for the Main Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project in the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 08/19/2013 |
13-47 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into a Master and Other Agreements with Quality Control Inspection, Inc. (QCI) of Bedford, Ohio, for Professional Construction Inspection Services for Capital Construction Projects in the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 09/03/2013 |
13-48 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Farabee Mechanical Inc., of Hickman, Nebraska, for the Emissions Control Improvement Project for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 08/19/2013 |
13-49 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for and Accept Ohio History Fund Grant Program Funding from the Ohio Historical Society and Declaring an Emergency | 09/03/2013 |
13-50 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 97-28 AC CMS, as Amended, Which Established Fees and Charges for Various Services, Permits and Licenses of the City of Oberlin, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency | 09/03/2013 |
13-51 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Warren Fire Equipment, Inc., of Warren, Ohio, for Self-Contained Breathing Equipment for the Oberlin Fire Department and Declaring an Emergency | 09/03/2013 |
13-52 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Don Mould’s Plantation, Inc. of North Ridgeville, Ohio, for the West College Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 09/03/2013 |
13-53 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Precision Paving, Inc., of Milan, Ohio, for the West College Street Pavement Improvements Project and Declaring an Emergency | FAILED |
13-54 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application to the District 9 Public Works Integrating Committee for Ohio Public Works Commission Funding for the South Professor Street Improvement Project Phase II and Declaring an Emergency | 09/03/2013 |
13-55 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to File a Joint Application with the Lorain County Commissioners to the District 9 Public Works Integrating Committee for Ohio Public Works Commission Issue I Funding for the Pyle South Amherst Road Bridge #0014 Replacement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 09/03/2013 |
13-56 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of DCH Landscaping, LLC of Medina, Ohio, for the Downtown Sidewalk Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 09/16/2013 |
13-57 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Erie Blacktop, Inc. of Sandusky, Ohio, for the West College Street Pavement Improvements Project and Declaring an Emergency | 09/16/2013 |
13-58 | An Ordinance Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA) for Oberlin Police Department Full-Time Dispatchers and Declaring an Emergency | 09/16/2013 |
13-59 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into an Agreement With the Board of Education of the Oberlin City School District to Provide Crossing Guards and a School Resources Officer and Declaring an Emergency | 09/16/2013 |
13-60 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Crossroads Asphalt Recycling, Inc. of Columbia Station, Ohio, for the 2013 Pavement Maintenance Project and Declaring an Emergency | 10/07/2013 |
13-61 | An Ordinance Approving an Agreement Between the City of Oberlin and the State of Ohio, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife for the Joint Maintenance and Management of a Public Fishing Program at the Oberlin (PARSONS ROAD) Municipal Reservoir | 11/04/2013 |
13-62 | An Ordinance Approving the Execution of an Efficiency Smart Schedule with American Municipal Power, Inc | 12/18/2013 |
13-63 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 12-79 AC CMS, the 2013 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 10/21/2013 |
13-64 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Precision Paving, Inc. of Milan, Ohio, for the South Park Street and Lincoln Street Resurfacing Project and Declaring an Emergency | 10/21/2013 |
13-65 | An Ordinance Approving a Capital Asset Accounting Policy for the City of Oberlin | 11/04/2013 |
13-66 | An Ordinance Repealing Sections 549.02 Through 549.07, 549.10 and 549.12 of the Oberlin Codified Ordinances for the Reasons that Such Ordinances May be Preempted by State Law and They are not Required for Criminal Prosecutions and Declaring an Emergency | 11/18/2013 |
13-67 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Don Mould’s Plantation, Inc. of North Ridgeville, Ohio, for the West College Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 12/02/2013 |
13-68 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into a Contract with Comdoc, Inc. of Broadview Heights, Ohio, for the Service and Maintenance of Various Copying/Printing/Scanning Equipment and Declaring an Emergency | 12/16/2013 |
13-69 | An Ordinance to Appropriate Monies for Municipal Purposes for the Fiscal Year 2014 and Declaring an Emergency | 12/16/2013 |
13-70 | An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the City of Oberlin Employee Policy Manual Related to Vacation Leave and Declaring an Emergency | 12/16/2013 |
13-71 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lorain County Board of Commissioners (D.B.A. Lorain County Transit) to Provide for Transit- Related Services, and Declaring an Emergency | 12/16/2013 |
13-72 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 12-79 AC CMS, the 2013 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 12/16/2013 |
13-73 | An Ordinance Authorizing a One-Time Bonus to the Oberlin Clerk of Council for Achieving Her Master Municipal Clerk Designation and Declaring an Emergency | 12/16/2013 |