25-01 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 24-16 AC CMS to Appoint Jessica Minor-Baetens and Rebecca Bandy to Fill Vacancies on the Climate Action Plan Update Steering Committee to Go into Immediate Effect | 01/06/2025 |
25-02 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 17-11 AC CMS, Updating Fees for City of Oberlin Recreation Programs | 02/05/2025 |
25-03 | An Ordinance to Adopt the Recommendation of the Oberlin Planning Commission to Rezone Property Located at 198 East College Street from the “R-1” and “R-1B” Single-Family Dwelling District to the “R-2”/ Two- Family Dwelling District | 02/20/2025 |
25-04 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Best Equipment Company, Inc. of Indianapolis, Indiana, for the Purchase of an Automated Side-Load Residential Collection Truck to Go into Immediate Effect | 01/21/2025 |
25-05 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 39, to Provide for the Recoupment of Costs of Commercial Driver’s License Training to Go into Immediate Effect | 01/21/2025 |
25-06 | An Ordinance Authorizing a One-Year Extension of a Master Service Agreement with Environmental Design Group, LLC of Akron, Ohio, for Professional Planning and Economic Development Services to Go into Immediate Effect | 01/21/2025 |
25-07 | An Ordinance Declaring Real Property Located at 74 Groveland Street to Be Surplus and Authorizing the City Manager to Sell the Property Through a Competitive Sealed Bid Process to Go into Immediate Effect | Failed |
25-08 | An Ordinance Accepting the Renewal Proposal of the Public Entities Pool of Ohio through USI Insurance Services LLC for Various Liability, and Excess Liability Insurance Coverage, and Property and Equipment Breakdown Coverage for the City of Oberlin to Go into Immediate Effect | 02/03/2025 |
25-09 | An Ordinance Appointing Marin Fowler as Finance Director for the City of Oberlin to Go into Immediate Effect | 02/03/2025 |