15-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 111.04 A and B of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin Relative to the Salary of the President, Vice President, and Members of Oberlin City Council and Declaring an Emergency | 02/19/2015 |
15-02 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lorain County Storm Management District to Assist the City in the Implementation of a Storm Water Utility Program | 03/19/2015 |
15-03 | An Ordinance Accepting the Renewal Proposal of the Public Entities Pool of Ohio Through USI Insurance Services LLC., for Various Liability and Excess Liability Insurance Coverage and Property and Boiler & Machinery Coverage for the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 01/20/2015 |
15-04 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 14-68 AC CMS, The 2015 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 02/02/2015 |
15-05 | An Ordinance Enacting New Section 797 of the Oberlin Codified Ordinances to Regulate the Operation of Mobile Food Vehicles Within the Municipal Limits of the City of Oberlin | 05/06/2015 |
15-06 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Main Street Oberlin, Inc. to Provide Promotional Activities to the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 03/02/2015 |
15-07 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Field GYMMY, INC. of Glandorf, Ohio, for High Flotation Field Application Equipment for the City of Oberlin Water Treatment Plant and Declaring an Emergency | 03/02/2015 |
15-08 | An Ordinance Updating Fees and Charges for City of Oberlin Recreation Programs | 04/15/2015 |
15-09 | An Ordinance Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and Declaring an Emergency | 03/16/2015 |
15-10 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of 2D Construction, LLC, of Vermilion, Ohio for the South Professor Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 03/16/2015 |
15-11 | An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Bonds in the Maximum Principal Amount of $3,325,000 to Refund at a Lower Interest Cost the City’s Outstanding Municipal Service Center Complex Bonds, Series 2007, Which Were Issued for the Purpose of Constructing, Furnishing, Equipping, and Otherwise Improving a Municipal Service Center Complex, Including Access Roadways and all Necessary Utilities and Appurtenances, and Clearing and Improving its Site, Authorizing the. Redemption of the Refunded Bonds, The Execution and Delivery of An Escrow Agreement with Respect to the Refunding and Related Matters, and Declaring an Emergency | 03/16/2015 |
15-12 | An Ordinance Enacting New Chapter 158 of the Oberlin Codified Ordinances Establishing a Preference in the Calculation of Bids Submitted by a Local Person, Business or Entity in Response to an Invitation to Bid, Solicitation or a Request for Proposal for Projects and for the Procurement of Supplies, Materials, Equipment or Services | 05/20/2015 |
15-13 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 14-68 AC CMS, The 2015 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 03/16/2015 |
15-14 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Release and Assignment Agreement between the City of Oberlin and Erie Insurance Company related to Contract 2013-15 between the City of Oberlin and DCH Landscaping, LLC, for the Downtown Sidewalk Improvements Project and Declaring an Emergency | 04/06/2015 |
15-15 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Southeastern Equipment Company, Inc. of Brunswick, Ohio, Through the State Office of Purchasing for the Purchase of a 2015 Case 580SN Loader Backhoe for the City of Oberlin Public Works Department and Declaring an Emergency | 04/06/2015 |
15-16 | An Ordinance Approving Amendments to the City of Oberlin Employee Policy Manual Related to Sick Leave and Miscellaneous Corrections and Updates and Declaring an Emergency | 05/06/2015 |
15-17 | An Ordinance to Approve and Adopt the Current Replacement Pages to the Codified Ordinances | 05/20/2015 |
15-18 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into a Contract with Design-Build Solutions, Inc. of Cleveland, Ohio Through the State Office of Procurement Services for a Roof Replacement Project for Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System and Declaring an Emergency | 04/20/2015 |
15-19 | An Ordinance accepting the bid of ECO Tree Services, LLC., of Amherst, Ohio for Forestry Services for the City of Oberlin, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency | 04/22/2015 |
15-20 | An Ordinance Approving an Agreement with Zion Community Development Corporation to Manage a Community Garden at Legion Field Park and Declaring an Emergency | 05/04/2015 |
15-21 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Grant an Easement of Access to Property Located at 205 Morgan Street Concurrent with the Transfer of Title and Declaring an Emergency | 05/04/2015 |
15-22 | An Ordinance Stating The Services that The City of Oberlin will Provide Upon The Annexation of Property Located at 14199 State Route 58 South to The City of Oberlin upon The Petition of the Owner as Required Under Section 709.03(D) of The Ohio Revised Code and Declaring an Emergency | 05/04/2015 |
15-23 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Participate with The Ohio Department of Transportation in The Ohio Department of Transportation’s Winter-Use Salt Contract (018-16) and Declaring an Emergency | 05/04/2015 |
15-24 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Field Gymmy, Inc. of Glandorf, Ohio for High Flotation Field Application Equipment for the City of Oberlin Water Treatment Plant and Authorizing the City Manager to Trade in Surplus Municipal Personal Property for Replacement and Declaring an Emergency | 05/18/2015 |
15-25 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into an Agreement with J.F. Lencewicz and Associates to Provide Labor Relations Consulting Services | 05/18/2015 |
15-26 | An Ordinance Approving Amendments to the City of Oberlin Employee Policy Manual Related to a Sick Leave Donation | 06/15/2015 |
15-27 | An Ordinance Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Oberlin and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (Patrol Officers, Sergeants, and Full-Tim Dispatchers) Related to the Sick Leave Donation Policy and Declaring an Emergency | 06/15/2015 |
15-28 | An Ordinance Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA) for Oberlin Police Department Part-Time Dispatchers and Declaring an Emergency | 05/18/2015 |
15-29 | An Ordinance Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Related to the Sick Leave Donation Program Between the City of Oberlin and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and Declaring an Emergency | 06/15/2015 |
15-30 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Permit Retiring City Law Enforcement Officers to Purchase their Service Weapon on the Same Terms and With the Same Conditions and Requirements as Retiring City OPBA Members | 07/15/2015 |
15-31 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid OF Crossroads Asphalt Recycling, INC. of Columbia Station, Ohio, for the North Prospect Street Pavement Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 06/15/2015 |
15-32 | An Ordinance Adopting a Tax Budget for the City Of Oberlin, Ohio, For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2016, and Declaring an Emergency | 06/15/2015 |
15-33 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 14-68 AC CMS, the 2015 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 06/15/2015 |
15-34 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Crossroads Asphalt Recycling, INC. Of Columbia Station, Ohio, for the South Professor Street Pavement Improvements Project and Declaring an Emergency | 07/06/2015 |
15-35 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Don Mould‘s Plantation, INC. of North Ridgeville, Ohio, for the 2015 Sidewalk Replacement Program and Declaring an Emergency | 07/06/2015 |
15-36 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Increase in Compensation for the City Law Director, and Amending Ordinance No. 13-13 AC CMS, Appointing the Law Director, For The City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 07/06/2015 |
15-37 | An Ordinance Stating the Services that the City of Oberlin will provide upon the Annexation of 98.37 Acres more or less located in Pittsfield Township upon the petition of the Lorain County Joint Vocation School District Board of Education as Required under Section 709.023 (C) of The Ohio Revised Code and Declaring an Emergency | FAILED |
15-38 | An Ordinance Objecting to the Proposed Annexation of 98.37 Acres More or Less Located In Pittsfield Township Upon the Petition of the Lorain County Joint Vocational School District Board Of Education and Declaring an Emergency | 07/13/2015 |
15-39 | An Ordinance requiring the Construction of a Buffer Separating the Use of Territory if Annexed from Pittsfield Township and The Adjacent Land Remaining within the Township under certain Conditions as Required under Section 709.023 ( C ) of the Ohio Revised Code and Declaring an Emergency | 07/13/2015 |
15-40 | An Ordinance Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The City of Oberlin, Ohio, and The Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA) For Oberlin Police Department Fulltime Dispatchers and Declaring an Emergency | 07/13/2015 |
15-41 | An Ordinance Authorizing An increase in Compensation for the City Clerk/Clerk of Oberlin City Council and amending Ordinance 07-51 AC CMS, As Amended, Appointing the City Clerk/Clerk of Oberlin City Council, For the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 08/17/2015 |
15-42 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into A Contract With Sound Com systems of Berea, Ohio through the State Procurement Program, state office of Purchasing for the replacement of the Audio Visual System In the Council in an Amount Not to Exceed $180,350.50 and Declaring an Emergency | 08/17/2015 |
15-43 | An Ordinance Designating Public Places Within The City Of Oberlin For the Posting Of Ordinances And Resolutions And Repealing Ordinance No. 15 AC CMS and Declaring an Emergency | 10/08/2015 |
15-44 | An Ordinance Approving a Retroactive Amendment To The City Of Oberlin Fire Department Fee Schedule Related To Temporary Shelter Inspections and Declaring an Emergency | 08/17/2015 |
15-45 | An Ordinance Authorizing The City Manager To File An Application With The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Drinking And Ground Waters For A Cyanotoxin Testing Equipment Grant and Declaring an Emergency | 09/08/2015 |
15-46 | An Ordinance Authorizing The City Manager To Enter Into A Master And Other Agreements With Quality Control Inspection, INC. Of Bedford, Ohio, for Professional Construction Inspection Services for Capital Construction Projects In The City Of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 09/08/2015 |
15-47 | An Ordinance Authorizing The City Manager to Submit An Application To The District 9 Public Works Integrating Committee For Ohio Public Works Commission Funding For The West college Street Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 09/08/2015 |
15-48 | An Ordinance Authorizing An Amendment To The Contract With Seitz Builders, INC. Of Broadview Heights, Ohio, For The Refuse, Recycling and Wash Bay Building Replacement Project For The City Of Oberlin Public Works Department and Declaring an Emergency | 09/08/2015 |
15-49 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 14-60 AC CMS that Declared The Real Property At 205 Morgan Street To Be Surplus And Authorized The City Manager To Sell The Property and Declaring an Emergency | 09/08/2015 |
15-50 | An Ordinance Amending The City of Oberlin Position Classification Plan Related to the Police Department and Declaring an Emergency | 09/21/2015 |
15-51 | An Ordinance Accepting the Annexation of Approximately 0.7229 Acres of Real Estate to the City of Oberlin Upon Application of James Horning | 10/21/2015 |
15-52 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 14-68 AC CMS, The 2015 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, To Provide For The Appropriation Of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 09/21/2015 |
15-53 | An Ordinance Amending Section 797 of the Oberlin Codified Ordinances Regulating the Operation of Mobile Food Vehicles within The Municipal Limits of The City of Oberlin | 12/16/2015 |
15-54 | An Ordinance Adopting Appendix A Of The 2009 Version Of The International Property Maintenance Code To Regulate The Boarding Of Vacant, Abandoned And Unsafe Properties Within The Municipal Limits of The City Of Oberlin | 12/02/2015 |
15-55 | An Ordinance Approving Amendments To Part Three – Traffic Code, Chapters 311 and 373, of The Oberlin Codified Ordinances Related To Street Obstructers And Special Uses and Pedestrians, Bicycles And Motorcycles To Permit Police Department Use Of A Two- Or Three- Wheeled Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device For Official Business | 11/18/2015 |
15-56 | An Ordinance Amending And Expanding Ordinance 08-54 AC CMS, That Amend A policy On Expenditures Of Public Funds for Employee And Resident Appreciation And Events and Declaring an Emergency | 10/19/2015 |
15-57 | An Ordinance Designating How Proceeds Of Alcohol Sales At City Of Oberlin Fundraisers Will Be Deposited And Declaring An Emergency | 12/16/2015 |
15-58 | An Ordinance Supplementing Title Nine Administrative Code Of The Codified Ordinances of The City Of Oberlin By The Enactment Of New Chapter 184 Regarding Municipal income Tax and Limiting The Effective Dates of Existing Chapter 181 and Declaring an Emergency | 11/02/2015 |
15-59 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Increase in Compensation For The Finance Director and amending Ordinance 00-99 AC CMS, As Amended, Appointing A Finance Director For The City Of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 11/02/2015 |
15-60 | An Ordinance Appointing Salvatore Talarico as The Interim City Manager of The City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring An Emergency | 11/30/2015 |
15-61 | An Ordinance To Appropriate Monies For Municipal Purposes For The Fiscal Year 2016 and Declaring an Emergency | 12/21/2015 |
15-62 | An Ordinance Authorizing The City Manager to Enter into A Memorandum of Understanding With The Lorain County Board Of Commissioners (D.B.A. Lorain County Transit) To Provide For Transit-Related Services, and Declaring an Emergency | 12/07/2015 |
15-63 | An Ordinance Approving an Amended Job Description for the Clerk of Oberlin City Council and Declaring an Emergency | 02/03/2016 |
15-64 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 14-68 AC CMS, The 2015 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for The Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 12/21/2015 |
15-65 | An Ordinance Appointing Kristin Cioffi as The Treasurer of The City Of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 12/21/2015 |