R11-01 Submitting the Question of a Replacement Tax Levy for the Purpose of Current Expenses of the Oberlin Public Library to the Electors of the Territory served by the Library, Pursuant to Sections 5705.1092 and 5705.23 of the Revised Code and Declaring an Emergency01/18/2011
R11-02To Endorsement to the Ohio General Assembly to renew the Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit and Declaring an Emergency02/07/2011
R11-03In Opposition to House Bill No. 3 introduced in 129th Ohio General Assembly to End the Estate Tax in Ohio and Declaring an Emergency02/07/2011
R11-04Adopting the 2010-2015 Five Year Strategic Plan for the Oberlin Fire Department02/22/2011
R11-05Expressing Support for The Designation of April 8, 2011, as The American National Day of Friendship02/22/2011
R11-06Authorizing the City Manager and Finance Director to Establish a Brokerage Account to Accept Donations of Stock and other Securities Gifted to the City of Oberlin and Declaring and Emergency03/07/2011
R11-07Calling for the Repeal of Senate Bill 5 and Declaring an Emergency05/02/2011
R11-08Adopting the 2011 City of Oberlin Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan09/06/2011
R11-09Adopting the 2011 City of Oberlin Climate Action Plan12/07/2011
R11-10Adopting the City of Oberlin Strategic Plan12/07/2011
R11-11Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor10/03/2011
R11-12Indicating Opposition to the State of Seeking to Take Control of Municipal Income Tax Collections and Declaring an Emergency11/21/2011
R11-13Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor12/19/2011