NEW for 2025 – Yard Waste Collection
begins Monday, March 24th;
– – Prescheduling Yard Waste Collection
Service Is No Longer Required – –
Effective for 2025: Changes have been made to our weekly yard waste collection program – Crews will go street-by-street to pick-up properly bagged and prepared yard waste from Oberlin residents. A crew member will note the number of bags at each participating address. A master list by address and by week through the season will be maintained by the Public Works Department. The cost remains $1/bag. Tags are not required. Yard waste collection services will take place weekly on Mondays only. Yard waste collection service will not be provided on Monday holidays (Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.). Residents are reminded to limit the maximum weight of any given bag to 30# since our personnel have to pick these up to shoulder height to load into a full size dump truck.
To be credited for green yard waste tags previously purchased, residents should continue to use them until they are gone.
Yard waste includes grass clippings, weeds, and other non-woody plant materials. Yard waste must be placed in paper “lawn and leaf” bags or plastic yard waste bags that are clearly marked “biodegradable” by the manufacturer. Do not use grocery store bags or other bags not designed for this purpose. Paper ‘lawn and leaf’ bags and biodegradable plastic bags can be incorporated directly into the compost. This increases efficiency and helps the City produce higher quality compost. Maximum weight is 30 lbs. per bag.
NEW This Year: 2025 Brush Collection
General Maintenance Division crew(s) will provide one pass of brush collection service through the entire community during the first full week of each month, April through November.
Yard waste must be placed at the curb prior to 7 a.m. on the following Mondays in 2025:
Guidelines for brush collection include brush being cut to lengths no longer than six feet (6′) and should be neatly stacked (same direction) at the curb. Limbs larger than six inches (6”) in diameter should not be placed out for city collection. Brush must be free of wire, metal, stone, nails, rope, or other foreign materials. Japanese Knotweed (looks like bamboo), stumps, brush with root balls, limbs larger than six inches in diameter, unstacked brush, grape vines, rose bushes, and non-woody yard waste will not be collected by the City. Brush resulting from tree removal or major trimming projects is the responsibility of the property owner. The City reserves the right not to collect excessive amounts of brush. Call Public Works with questions (440) 775-7218.
Leaf Compost & Wood Chip Giveaways in 2025
The City of Oberlin offers leaf compost and wood chip giveaways one Saturday per month from April through September. During the designated date and time, Oberlin residents may bring a trailer or truck, maximum size 1 ton, to collect the compost or wood chips from our facility behind the Wastewater Treatment Plant on State Route 511. No commercial customers.
Residents may also bring a shovel and suitable container(s) to load smaller quantities. Delivery of compost and woodchips is also available for a fee. The application form can be found on the City’s
The City of Oberlin will be giving away leaf compost and wood chips on the following dates from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.:
Saturday, April 19
Saturday, May 17
Saturday, June 21
Saturday, July 19
Saturday, August 16
Saturday, September 20
This event will be postponed if wet conditions make the compost site too muddy for safe access. The application form can be found HERE.
Questions should be directed to the Public Works Department at 440-775-7218 during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
2025 Fall Curbside Leaf Collection begins
the week of October 27th.
The Fall curbside leaf collection will begin the week of Oct.27th and will continue until a majority of the leaves are picked up or until we get a substantial snowfall. Leaves are to be raked to the curb lawn only and not into the street. Leaves in the street clog storm drains and contribute excess nutrient loading to Plum Creek. The City will not collect leaves in the spring. Residents may use the yard waste collection for residual leaves.
Holiday Tree Recycling
LIVE holiday trees, wreaths, garlands and swags will be collected curbside starting Dec. 26th through the end of January. Trees will be taken to the City compost facility for mulching. Please do not cut up, bundle, or place in bags. Items will not be collected unless all wire, framing, lights, tinsel and ornaments have been removed.