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Click HERE to find out how to contact City Departments.

For General Information:

Medical Debt Relief for Oberlin Residents

In January 2024, Oberlin City Council established an agreement with RIP Medical Debt (a.k.a. Undue Medical Debt), a 501(c)(3), for the purpose of canceling medical debt for eligible Oberlin residents. Qualified residents with a household income between zero percent (0%) and four hundred percent (400%) of the Federal Poverty Guidelines will have their medical debt canceled. Undue Medical Debt worked with local hospital systems to identify local residents. Eligible Oberlin residents will receive debt relief letters notifying them of the no-strings attached gift via U.S. mail between January and March 2025.  For more information, contact Oberlin Equity Coordinator Terri Richardson-Sanders. 

Call Terri Richardson-Sanders
Email Terri Richardson-Sanders

Oberlin Social Equity & Skill Development Promise

The City of Oberlin has partnered with LCCC to bring the Social Equity and Skill Development Promise to Oberlin residents.  The program provides those 18+ years of age with a high school diploma/GED funding to attend LCCC to earn certificates in short-term, high-demand career fields. Since its inception, 65 Oberlin residents, between the ages of 18 & 60 have enrolled in the program, taking 37 different courses, earning a total of 149 credits, with a success rate of just over 73%.  The program currently has 23 active students and 8 graduates.  Students who participate in the program can earn certificates, 2-year degrees or continue on to earn a 4-year degree.  Examples of awarded credentials include Pre-License in Real Estate Sales, Medical Coding and Emergency  Medical Technician.  For more information on the program, contact the LCCC Workforce Team.


Call the LCCC Workforce Team
Email the LCCC Workforce Team
Black History Month Gallery Exhibition & Public Art Display

The City of Oberlin, Oberlin City Schools, and the Firelands Association for the Visual Arts (FAVA) are excited to continue this collaborative project in celebration of Black History Month.  Portraits depicting historical figures created by Oberlin High School art students will be featured in a gallery exhibition at FAVA throughout the month of February. 

Opening Reception & Awards Ceremony
Saturday, February 1st    12:00pm

Select portraits will be featured in a public art display as light post banners in downtown Oberlin. Previous year's portrait banners will also be on display throughout downtown to promote the continuation of this exciting project. 

Exhibition: 2/1/2025-3/2/2025 - Gallery Hours: Tues.-Sat. 11am-5pm; Sun. 1pm-5pm

For more information, contact the City of Oberlin Office of Communications:

Call Communications Office
Email Communications Office

Residential Food Waste Composting Program

Do your New Year's resolutions include more sustainable lifestyle practices?  Stick to your resolutions with
the City of Oberlin's Food Waste Composting Program!

By participating in the FREE program you can help divert food waste from going to the landfill by dropping
it off at any of the 4 close-to-home locations:

Oberlin Depot
285 South Professor Street
(Access from Oberlin Depot parking lot)

36 South Prospect Street

Spring Street Extension
Spring Street between Groveland St. & the Bike Path

Oberlin IGA Parking Lot
331 East Lorain Street

In addition to the local drop-off locations, Oberlin's Food Waste Composting Program offers curbside collection for Oberlin residents:
** Weekly Collection on Thursdays **
 ** 13 Gallon Cart and Liner Provided **
** $22 per Month (Credit/Debit Card Required) **

Participants are also eligible to receive compost made from the collected food waste during normal annual compost giveaways.

For more information and to sign up, contact Barnes Nursery:

Call Barnes Nursery
Visit Barnes Nursery Website

Oberlin Recycling Program

As a reminder, Oberlin residents may participate in curbside recycling collection by subscribing to the
City of Oberlin's FREE subscription-based recycling program.

Recycling Guidelines
Items Accepted in Curbside Recycling:
Mixed Paper - Newspaper, Envelopes, Mail, Phone Books, Magazines
Plastic #1 & #2 - Water/Soda Bottles, Milk Jugs, Shampoo Bottles, Detergent Containers
Cardboard - Flattened Boxes, Food Boxes with Liners Removed, File Folders, Poster Board
Metal Cans - Aluminum Cans, Food Cans

Recyclables should be EMPTY, CLEAN & DRY before placing in your recycling cart LOOSE & UNBAGGED.

Recycling is collected on a bi-weekly basis.

The 2025 collection schedule is available online or
you can pick up a paper copy at Oberlin City Hall (85 South Main Street)
during regular business hours (M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm)

Never miss your recycling collection day again!
Download the FREE Oberlin Refuse & Recycling MOBILE APP
** View refuse, recycling, special event, & drop-off collection schedules
** Set reminders for your collection days
** Use the Waste Wizard tool to find out if a material can be reused, recycled, composted,
donated, or placed in the trash

For more info, contact Recycling Coordinator Lori Sprosty:


Service Reminders

After-Holiday Live Tree Collection

Curbside collection of live (not artificial) holiday trees, wreaths, garlands, and swags, will begin
Thursday, December 26th and continue through January.  Please remove all decorations and
other items before placing your tree on the curb lawn for collection. 
Do NOT cut up, bundle or place trees in plastic bags. 

Winter Road Conditions

The City of Oberlin uses road salt sparingly due to its corrosive and polluting effects.  Aside from its
corrosive effects on vehicles and infrastructure, it impacts vegetation, water quality and aquatic environments. Please be safe and exercise caution when driving, biking, and walking around town after snow or
ice events and maintain safe distances from snow plows.  

Glass Recycling Program

The Public Works Department is currently developing a new, drop-off Glass Recycling Program.  Once finalized, a postcard describing the program will be mailed to residents and available on our website.  Stay tuned!

Questions? Please contact the Public Works Department:

CallPublic Works Dept.

Holiday Office Closures

City Offices will be CLOSED on Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and 
Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day.

Emergency services and regular refuse/recycling collections are always available.