Information regarding Recreation Programs within the City is available by contacting the Recreation Division at (440) 775-7254 or by email at

Our Definition of Recreation: Activities which develop skills that provide the incentive, motivation, and means for spending leisure time constructively.  As such, recreation must be concerned with the breadth and variety of activities: Physical, social, artistic, or learning.

Philosophy: The City of Oberlin believes that recreation and social experiences enhance the lives of citizens in our community. The philosophy of the Oberlin Recreation Division is to develop quality programs and activities in partnership with other groups and organizations that will aid in the pursuit of a full, balanced, and meaningful lifestyle. Children’s play is essential to the human development process. Providing our youth with safe, rewarding activities and social encounters will lead to positive lifestyle choices and the building of a positive self-image. Community recreation reduces alienation, loneliness, and anti-social behaviors. For younger adults, leisure activities are targeted at bringing people together and encouraging healthier decisions. Exercise and social programs for our senior population will not only reduce the effects of aging, but will aid in keeping our citizens physically and mentally agile.


  • Participation – Shall be a goal of all involved, to promote participation by any and all residents in the city.
  • Sportsmanship – Shall be a goal of all involved, to teach sportsmanship, fair play, and respect for others.
  • Knowledge – Shall be a goal of all involved, to teach the sport at hand, thereby instilling a knowledge and respect for the game with the understanding of rules and bylaws.

The purposeful omission of all other terms that are associated with sport coincide with intent of the City of Oberlin to present recreational activities that enable the least athletic, the least coordinated, and the least likely citizen be afforded a guarantee of being part of, and playing on, a team.

The objectives for all participants are fun and learning, where all citizens can come to see children at play and be a part of a positive family experience, and where sport is sport, and winning at any cost is considered to be too expensive, from the perspective of positive self-image. Children with special athletic abilities will still be encouraged to develop skills and to participate at an appropriate level of competition.