The Water Environment Protection Facility (WEPF) provides waste water treatment for the City of Oberlin and has a design capacity of 1.5 million gallons per day and a peak capacity of 3 million gallons per day.

The treatment plant is located on State Route 511 East and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The treatment process consists of preliminary screening and grit removal, primary tanks, contact stabilization tank, final settling tanks, ammonia removal tower, rapid sand filters and ultraviolet light for disinfection prior to discharge into Plum Creek. Storm water flows above 3 million gallons are stored in lined retention basins. Aerobic and anaerobic digestion is used to store the stabilized sludge until the by-product may be land applied to agricultural grounds. Additional information is available by contacting the plant at (440) 775-7280.

Wastewater Plant Design Criteria
Design Flow 5.5 MGD (4.5 MGD Average)
Effluent Limitations (monthly averages)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 10 mg/l (summer), 25 mg/l (winter)
Suspended Solids 15 mg/l (summer), 30 mg/l (winter)
Ammonia Nitrogen 2.0 mg/l (summer)
Dissolved Oxygen (minimum) 6.0 mg/l
Fecal Coliform 1000/100 ml (summer)


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