16-01 | An Ordinance Approving an Agreement with the Ohio Development Services Agency Relating to Administration of the City of Oberlin's Housing Revolving Loan Fund Program and Declaring an Emergency | 01/19/2016 |
16-02 | An Ordinance Accepting the Renewal Proposal of the Public Entities of Ohio Through USI Insurance Services LLC, for Various Liability and Excess Liability Insurance Coverage and Property and Boiler Machinery Coverage for the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 01/19/2016 |
16-03 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Utility Truck Equipment Company of Circleville, Ohio, Through the State Office of Procurement Services for the Purchase of a 47' Aerial Lift Truck for Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System | 03/02/2016 |
16-04 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Main Street Oberlin, Inc. to Provide Promotional Activities to the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 02/01/2016 |
16-05 | An Ordinance to Approve and Adopt the Current Replacement Pages to the Codified Ordinances | 04/20/2016 |
16-06 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of ECO Tree Services, LLC., of Amherst, Ohio, for Forestry Services for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 03/21/2016 |
16-07 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of N & N Construction Company, INC. of Wakeman, Ohio, for the East College Street Water Line Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 03/21/2016 |
16-08 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 15-61 AC CMS, the 2016 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 03/21/2016 |
16-09 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Don Mould’s Plantation, Inc. of North Ridgeville, Ohio, for the Oberlin Gasholder Phase IIA - Site Development Project and Declaring an Emergency | 05/02/2016 |
16-10 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Accept State Capital Funds from the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission and to Sign a Cultural Project Cooperative use Agreement Related to the use and Receipt of those Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 05/02/2016 |
16-11 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Participate with the Ohio Department of Transportation in the Ohio Department of Transportation's Annual Winter Road Salt Contract (018-17) and Declaring an Emergency | 05/16/2016 |
16-12 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Agreement Between the City of Oberlin and Dunrobin Associates, LLC for Right-of-Way Acquisition Services for the City of Oberlin Safe Routes to School Program, Ohio Department of Transportation PID 90937 and Declaring an Emergency | 06/06/2016 |
16-13 | An Ordinance Authorizing and Agreement Between the City of Oberlin and O.R. Colan Associates, LLC for Right-Of-Way Acquisition Appraisal Review Services for the City of Oberlin Safe Routes to School Program, Ohio Department of Transportation PID 90937 and Declaring an Emergency | 06/06/2016 |
16-14 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Crossroads Asphalt Recycling, INC. of Columbia Station, Ohio, for the Morgan Street Pavement Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 06/20/2016 |
16-15 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Increase in Compensation for the City Law Director, and Amending Ordinance No. 13-13 AC CMS, As Amended, Appointing the Law Director, for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 06/20/2016 |
16-16 | An Ordinance Amending the City of Oberlin Zoning Map for Land Owned by the Trust Agreement Of Merle J. Hanmer, David A. Mcgrann, And John T. Mcgrann, JR. and for a Parcel of Land Legally Described in Exhibit “A” from “O”/Office District to “C-3”/Planned Highway Commercial District | 08/15/2016 |
16-17 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 351.17, 373.09 and 373.99 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Oberlin to Regulate the Parking of Bicycles in the Public Right of Way and Providing for the Enforcement of Such Regulations | 10/06/2016 |
16-18 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 15-08 and Updating Fees and Charges for City of Oberlin Recreation Programs | 07/05/2016 |
16-19 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 15-61 AC CMS, the 2016 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 07/05/2016 |
16-20 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Don Mould’s Plantation, INC. of North Ridgeville, Ohio, for the 2016 Sidewalk Repair Program and Declaring an Emergency | 07/05/2016 |
16-21 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Crossroads Asphalt Recycling, INC. of Columbia Station, Ohio, for the West College Street Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 07/05/2016 |
16-22 | An Ordinance Approving an Amended Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Lorain County General Health District and Certain other Governmental Entities to Create a Unified Combined General Health District and Declaring an Emergency | 07/05/2016 |
16-23 | An Ordinance Adopting a Tax Budget for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2017, and Declaring an Emergency | 07/05/2016 |
16-24 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter into a Contract with Rebman Systems Inc. of Lorain, Ohio, Through the State Office of Procurement Services for the Procurement and Installation of a Fire Detection and Security Intrusion Alarm System for Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System and Declaring an Emergency | 08/15/2016 |
16-25 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Increase in Compensation for the Clerk of Council and Amending Ordinance 07-51 AC CMS, as Amended, Appointing the City Clerk/Clerk of Oberlin City Council, for the City of Oberlin, and Declaring an Emergency | 08/15/2016 |
16-26 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with N & N Construction Company, Inc. of Wakeman, Ohio, for the East College Street Project Water Line Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 08/15/2016 |
16-27 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Don Mould’s Plantation, Inc. of North Ridgeville, Ohio, for the Oberlin Gasholder Phase IIA – Site Development Project and Declaring an Emergency | 08/15/2016 |
16-28 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Don Mould’s Plantation, Inc. of North Ridgeville, Ohio, for the WEPF Pavement Repair Project and Declaring an Emergency | 08/15/2016 |
16-29 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Submit an Application to the District 9 Public Works Integrating Committee for Ohio Public Works Commission Funding for the East College and North Pleasant Streets Improvement Project and Declaring an Emergency | 09/06/2016 |
16-30 | An Ordinance Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Enter into a Cooperation Agreement and to File a Joint Application with the Lorain County Commissioners to the District 9 Public Works Integrating Committee for Ohio Public Works Commission Issue I Funding for the Oberlin Road, CR-39 Resurfacing Project and Declaring an Emergency | 09/06/2016 |
16-31 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 15-60 AC CMS Increasing the Compensation to be Paid Salvatore Talarico as the Interim City Manager of the City of Oberlin, and Declaring an Emergency | 09/06/2016 |
16-32 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with Don Mould's Plantation, Inc. of North Ridgeville, Ohio, for the Oberlin Gasholder Phase IIA - Site Development Project and Declaring an Emergency | 09/19/2016 |
16-33 | An Ordinance Amending the City of Oberlin Zoning Map to Various Properties Located in the "C-1"/Central Business District Use Classification Outside of the Downtown Area to the "C-2"/General Business District Use Classification, the "R-1B"/Single-Family Residential District Use Classification and the "R-1"/Single-Family Residential District Use Classification | 12/07/2016 |
16-34 | An Ordinance Authorizing the City of Oberlin to Cooperate with the Ohio Department of Transportation in ODOT PID No. 102554 for the Provision of Bridge Inspection Program Services in the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 10/03/2016 |
16-35 | An Ordinance Approving A Development Construction Agreement with College Properties of Northern Ohio, Inc. /Oberlin College for the Construction of Certain Public and Private Improvements Related to the Development of the Hotel at Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 11/21/2016 |
16-36 | An Ordinance Accepting the Bid of Mark Haynes Construction, Inc. of Norwalk, Ohio, for the Fridenstine Drainage Project and Declaring an Emergency | 11/21/2016 |
16-37 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to Ordinance No. 16-06 AC CMS Accepting the Bid of ECO Tree Services, LLC., of Amherst, Ohio, for Forestry Services for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 10/17/2016 |
16-38 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 15-61 AC CMS, the 2016 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 10/17/2016 |
16-39 | An Ordinance Accepting the Proposal of Studio Graphique, INC. of Cleveland, Ohio, and Authorizing and Directing the Interim City Manager to Enter into an Agreement in an Amount not to Exceed $52,500.00 to Provide for the Development of a Branding and Cultural Wayfinding Signage Plan for the City of Oberlin and Declaring an Emergency | 11/07/2016 |
16-40 | An Ordinance Authorizing an Increase in Compensation for the Finance Director and Amending Ordinance 00-99 AC CMS, as Amended, Appointing a Finance Director for the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 11/08/2016 |
16-41 | An Ordinance Approving An Agreement Between the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and the Trustees of New Russia Township, Lorain County, Ohio, for the Lease of a Fire Pumper/Tanker for the Oberlin Fire Department and Declaring an Emergency | RENUMBERED AS ORD. 17-04 AC CMS |
16-42 | An Ordinance Appointing Robert Hillard City Manager of the City of Oberlin, Ohio, Approving an Employment Agreement Relating Thereto, and Declaring an Emergency | 11/21/2016 |
16-43 | An Ordinance Appointing Robert Hillard as the Treasurer of the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 11/21/2016 |
16-44 | An Ordinance to Appropriate Monies for Municipal Purposes for the Fiscal Year 2017 and Declaring an Emergency | 12/19/2016 |
16-45 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 16-30 AC CMS and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Revision Cooperation Agreement and to File a Joint Application with the Lorain County Commissioners to the District 9 Public Works Integrating committee for Ohio Public Works Commission Issue I Funding for the Oberlin Road, CR-39 Resurfacing Project and Declaring an Emergency | 12/05/2016 |
16-46 | An Ordinance Appropriating Rights-Of-Way in Fee Simple in Certain Real Properties for the Purpose of Constructing Sidewalk as Part of the Implementation PID 90937 and Thereby Promoting the Public Health, Safety and Welfare, Authorizing the Oberlin City Law Director to File a Petition for Such Appropriations in the Court of Common Pleas of Lorain County, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency | 02/06/2017 |
16-47 | An Ordinance Appropriating a Temporary Construction Easement in Certain Real property for the purpose of Constructing Sidewalks as Part of the implementation of the Safe Routes to School Program Ohio Department of Transportation PID 90937 and Thereby Promoting the Public Health, Safety, and Welfare, Retaining and Authorizing Andy Crites, Attorney at Law to File a Petition for Such Appropriation in the Court of common Pleas of Lorain county, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency | TABLED INDEFINITELY |
16-48 | An Ordinance Approving an Employment Agreement with Finance Director, I. Salvatore Talarico, of the City of Oberlin, Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency | 1/08/2016 |
16-49 | An Ordinance Approving an Agreement with the Ohio Development Services Agency Relating to the Administration of the City of Oberlin Business Revolving Loan Fund Program, and Declaring an Emergency | 12/19/2016 |
16-50 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 15-61 AC CMS, the 2016 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, to Provide for the Appropriation of Funds and Declaring an Emergency | 12/19/2016 |