With a rich history of social and civil rights leadership beginning with its founding, the Oberlin community’s identity as a leader has emerged again in the context of another generation-defining challenge: Climate change.
The City of Oberlin is committed to reducing community wide greenhouse gas emissions below zero, while striving to balance the environmental social and economic interests of the Oberlin community. The City developed and adopted a Climate Action Plan in 2011. The 2011 plan set systematic goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in 2015, 75% by 2030 and below 100% by 2050.
The Climate Action Committee (CAC), a community-based group created by City Council, developed the initial plan and subsequent committees have worked to update the plan. The latest update was completed and adopted by council in June 2019.

Sustainability Coordinator
Linda Arbogast
The Office of Sustainability is tasked with implementing the Climate Action Plan of the City of Oberlin. There are a variety of ways that the city and the community are working together towards this ambitious goal:

The Office of Sustainability is tasked with implementing the Climate Action Plan of the City of Oberlin. There are a variety of ways that the city and the community are working together towards this ambitious goal:
*NEW* MOW Electric Oberlin - Electric Lawn Care Incentive Program
Receive Oberlin Dollars for purchasing an electric lawnmower, string trimmer and/or leaf blower. Find out how HERE!
*NEW* Residential Composting Program
The City of Oberlin has partnered with Barnes Nursery to offer Oberlin residents a food waste composting program. Click here to learn more and sign up!
Solar in Oberlin
A streamlined process for installling solar in your home or business. Learn more here.
Renewable Energy
Oberlin’s electric is 80% renewable. Details here.
Climate Action Plan
Sustainable Reserve Fund
Please read the guidelines carefully and respond to items one through seven under General Guidelines in writing. (Review Climate Action Plan above) Submit this to the Sustainability Coordinator in person at 85 South Main street or by email at larbogast@cityofoberlin.com. The City Manager and the Sustainability Coordinator will review all requests. Please contact Linda Arbogast at 775-7257 with any questions. Guidelines for application here.
Providing Oberlin with Efficiency Responsibly. An energy advocate will work with you to weatherize your home. Learn how to get your home weatherized today.
Efficiency Smart
Learn how to get rebates for efficency measures for your home and business here.
Outreach and Education Working Group
Interested in supporting our education and outreach efforts? Apply to be part of our working group! Working group application
Sustainable Transportation Survey
Please see the summary of the Sustainable Transportation survey here
EV Carshare program
To learn more about this program and download the app and to subscribe click here
Managed Natural Landscapes
Learn how to create a pollinator garden in your own yard. Oberlin now as a revised ordinance to support residents who want to grow native species of plants that support pollinators and healthy soils. Learn more here
Climate Vulnerability Assessment
The City of Oberlin, in conjunction with an Environmental Studies course at Oberlin College, completed a climate vulnerability assessment in 2021. Find it here